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The Large Grey Stole

Regular price $190.00
Regular price Sale price $190.00

When we receive hand made products, we cross our fingers and hope that there will be somewhere, an irregularity. Why? You ask, well because mishaps reveal the unmistakable touch of a human hand rather than the cold precision of a machine that never fails, that's why! We adore the bubble in the glass vase, the extra bead on the evening purse, the tiny smear on a printed silk, you get the idea. The Wabi-Sabi, the imperfection, the weakness, the crack is what makes anything endearing and unique. We found it on this divine wool shawl, after a careful search. A small patch of light grey... yes! there it is, slightly encroaching on the darker grey like a small act of rebellion. This imperfection is what makes this stole so perfect. Yes, absolutely handmade and therefore one of a kind.